Analyse Complète d'Octopus CRM : Avantages, Tests et Avis (2024)

Octopus CRM: Qu'est-ce que c'est?

OctopusCRM aide des milliers d'utilisateurs de LinkedIn à simplifier leurs efforts de prospection, à développer leur activité grâce à un outil avancé d'automatisation du marketing et de génération de leads pour LinkedIn.

Automatisez et simplifiez votre travail sur LinkedIn

Octopus est un autopilote pour LinkedIn à la fois puissant et très simple qui automatise votre travail et dispose d'un large éventail de fonctionnalités impressionnantes. Envoyez des demandes de connexion automatisées (personnalisées) aux connexions de 2e et 3e niveau sur LinkedIn.

Envoyez des messages en masse à des centaines de connexions de premier niveau. Endossez automatiquement jusqu'à 7 compétences sur les profils de vos contacts LinkedIn. Visitez automatiquement des centaines de profils. Imaginez que vous puissiez vous connecter automatiquement avec votre audience, puis envoyer un message de remerciement une fois les demandes de connexion acceptées, valider quelques compétences pour réchauffer ces prospects et les convertir en clients en envoyant des messages de suivi.

Le logiciel vous permet de créer votre propre entonnoir de génération de leads sur LinkedIn.


Octopus CRM prétend être l'un des meilleurs outils d'automatisation pour LinkedIn pour l'automatisation et la génération de leads : et les affirmations sont vraies.

1. Automatisez les tâches sur LinkedIn

La véritable valeur d'Octopus CRM peut être réalisée en automatisant les tâches de routine sur LinkedIn. Vous pouvez utiliser cette solution logicielle pour envoyer des messages automatisés et groupés à vos contacts LinkedIn. Cela est très utile pour votre stratégie de marketing sur LinkedIn, car vous pouvez envoyer des messages marketing à toutes vos connexions en même temps.

2. Créer des entonnoirs de vente

Jusqu'à présent, nous avons discuté des différentes fonctionnalités d'automatisation offertes par Octopus CRM. Dans cette section de la revue d'Octopus CRM, nous allons voir comment les réunir pour créer des entonnoirs de vente gagnants.

Exemple d'entonnoir de vente LinkedIn avec Octopus CRM

3. Analyser la performance

Octopus CRM n'est pas seulement l'un des meilleurs logiciels d'automatisation de LinkedIn, mais aussi une brillante solution logicielle d'analyse de LinkedIn. Le tableau de bord analytique d'Octopus CRM peut vous fournir toutes les mesures importantes sur les performances de vos campagnes LinkedIn.


Pro Tip

Use this feature to identify areas for improvement and boost your LinkedIn marketing performance.


Octopus CRM allows you to integrate over 1000 different software solutions via Zapier. This means you can send your contacts to HubSpot or keep detailed records of sent and accepted connections in Google Sheets.

The Zapier integration helps you connect to numerous apps and design smooth professional workflows so things stay organized and run well. The best part is that you can do all this with just a few clicks.

Moreover, this tool also gives you the option to directly import data in the form of CSV files. However, there is no option to download them as PDF files.


The price of Octopus CRM starts at $6.99 per month.

Final Verdict

Choosing a marketing automation platform isn't easy, but this Avis will make your decision easier.

Octopus CRM is a powerful LinkedIn automation software solution that won us over with its ease of use and effectiveness. It's available as a Chrome extension and integrates seamlessly with your LinkedIn account to automate your repetitive tasks.

This is a software solution that every B2B marketing specialist and business should invest in. In conclusion, I recommend this brilliant tool to all marketers and businesses active on LinkedIn. It's a great tool to boost the performance of your LinkedIn lead generation efforts and help you successfully reach your target audience.

Ready to learn more about this tool? Check out their website, read customer Aviss, and watch their demo video to learn more, then make your decision. You can always try the product before investing.


What is Octopus CRM?

Octopus CRM is a LinkedIn automation tool that can help you send automated messages and connection requests on LinkedIn. Octopus CRM is a brilliant LinkedIn lead generation and nurturing tool for any business and that's why I wrote this Octopus CRM Avis to inform you about it.

How do you use Octopus CRM?

Octopus CRM is essentially a Chrome extension that you need to download and integrate with your LinkedIn account. Watch this demo video to learn in detail how to use Octopus CRM the right way to grow your business.

Can I use Octopus CRM with a free LinkedIn account?

Although it's recommended to use it with a Premium account, you can also use Octopus CRM with a free LinkedIn account. Octopus CRM works perfectly well with all types of LinkedIn accounts, including LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter Lite. So, no matter what type of account you use for your business, you can use Octopus CRM.

Is there a limit to the number of messages or bulk requests I can send with Octopus CRM?

There is a limit, but only to ensure your safety and make sure your account isn't flagged as a spammer. Here are the details of the number of messages and connection requests you can send with Octopus CRM, depending on your account type:

  • Premium account: 100 invitations and 200 messages per day
  • Free account: 50 connection requests and 100 messages per day

However, you can adjust these limits according to your needs while ensuring account safety. LinkedIn flags accounts that perform more than 250 actions per day. So, if you want to send 250 messages and no connection requests, you can do that.

What languages does Octopus CRM support in its product?

Octopus CRM supports these languages: English.

Do I need a LinkedIn Sales Navigator account to use Octopus CRM?

Even though it's highly recommended to have a premium profile on LinkedIn, it's not a mandatory condition. Octopus CRM's LinkedIn automation works perfectly well with free LinkedIn accounts.

What sets Octopus CRM apart from other LinkedIn marketing tools?

Octopus CRM gives you access to your multifunctional personal CRM page, where you can store leads, perform automated actions, create campaigns, and build LinkedIn marketing funnels. And you can observe the performance of your LinkedIn campaigns in our LinkedIn analytics tool that shows your average acceptance and response rates, your social selling index, and more.

Unlike other LinkedIn automation tools, they will never ask for your LinkedIn credentials, allowing you to maintain full control over your LinkedIn account. Plus, they pay great attention to security and ensure that your LinkedIn lead generation and prospecting journey with Octopus CRM LinkedIn automation is 100% secure.

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