Analyse Complète de Bookafy : Avis, Test et Avantages (2023)

Bookafy: Le logiciel de planification pour votre entreprise

Si vous dirigez une entreprise, le logiciel de planification Bookafy peut vous aider à intégrer toutes vos applications de gestion des horaires de travail, de marketing, d'enregistrement, de facturation et de reprogrammation pour un engagement client automatisé et sans stress.

Chaque compte Bookafy est conçu comme un mini-site web ou une page de réservation pour chaque membre du personnel, chaque type de rendez-vous, ou événement. Les pages sont conviviales pour les mobiles, simples et belles.

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Qu'est-ce que Bookafy?

Bookafy est une application gratuite de planification qui réserve automatiquement vos rendez-vous et vos réunions vidéo. Vous pouvez également l'utiliser pour automatiser vos rappels, vos SMS, vos prises de rendez-vous, et bien d'autres choses encore. En outre, elle synchronise généralement vos systèmes de gestion de la relation client (CRM) pour recueillir des informations sur un nouveau client et inclure les événements récents pour vos anciens clients.

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Comment utiliser Bookafy?

Pour utiliser Bookafy, vous devez d'abord télécharger l'application depuis l'apple store ou le play store sur votre téléphone ou votre ordinateur portable. Ensuite, vous pouvez choisir d'utiliser la version gratuite ou la version payante. Les différences entre la version gratuite et la version payante ne sont pas très importantes. Mais vous bénéficierez de plus de fonctionnalités si vous utilisez la version payante.

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Caractéristiques de Bookafy

Bookafy propose la gestion de projets, l'intégration de courriels, l'importation de données, la gestion des commentaires et les intégrations externes. En outre, vous bénéficierez de services supplémentaires tels que la gestion des clients, l'interface de programmation d'applications (API), la gestion du calendrier, la gestion du temps, la planification du processeur de paiement et l'importation de données avec ce produit.

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Intégrations de Bookafy

Bookafy s'intègre avec la plupart des meilleurs logiciels. Vous pouvez également personnaliser vos intégrations. Par exemple, avec Zapier, vous pouvez facilement connecter celui-ci avec de nombreuses apps sur votre appareil afin que vous soyez libre d'automatiser les choses essentielles que vous faites.

Comment fonctionne Bookafy?

L'organisation et le suivi des rendez-vous demandent beaucoup de temps et d'efforts. L'utilisation de Bookafy permet aux entreprises de le faire avec une réelle facilité. Le système simplifie le processus de telle sorte que les utilisateurs sont en mesure de réserver, d'annuler, de reprogrammer et de se souvenir des réunions et des rendez-vous sans tracas ni stress.

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Other Features - Bookafy

  • Bookafy's appointment scheduling functions include group appointment scheduling, meeting room booking, and payment processing.
  • It also offers other services such as feedback management, project management, email integration, data export, external integrations, and data import.
  • Users receive notifications and benefit from additional services such as time management, calendar management, chat, payment processor scheduling, data import, application programming interface (API), and customer management.
  • To obtain consumer feedback, the system sends automated evaluation requests after each appointment.
  • Bookafy also provides third-party Plugins/Add-Ons and Google Apps integration.
  • With this system, you can request an appointment or a "Book Now" button on your Facebook page.
  • The system also has a fast and reliable customer service, available 24/7.

Bookafy screenshot

Security - Bookafy

Users do not have to worry about privacy issues. Bookafy has a strict privacy policy. Protection measures are installed to ensure data security. The system offers the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol on the client side and the site administration, in which data is encrypted when it transits to and from the server. Bookafy operates on secure servers using Amazon Web Services.

Integration - Bookafy

Bookafy integrates with Iframe, WordPress, Facebook, Google Calendar, Outlook Wix, SquareSpace, GoToMeeting, WebEx, Smart List, Full Contact, Strikingly, Mail Chimp, Zapier, Duda, Authorize.Net, Stripe and Weebly. It also integrates with messaging applications that recognize ICS (Integrated Computer Solution) files, such as Outlook, Office 365, Google and Ical.

Supported Languages - Bookafy

The software supports 35 languages, including Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Persian, Hungarian, Bengali, Turkish, Urdu and Hindi, among others.

Platforms - Bookafy

Bookafy is easily deployed on different web browsers, operating systems and mobile platforms. It is compatible with Windows, Macintosh and web applications. Its mobile platforms support IOS, Android, Winphone and Blackberry.

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Pricing - Bookafy

Bookafy offers two options to users. They can either opt for the basic Bookafy, or subscribe to Bookafy Pro.

Bookafy pricing screenshot

The basic version is totally free. It includes a free website with a booking page, but it can be upgraded or reduced. The free plan comes with a full feature with a limited number of appointments. This free version comes with:

  • Outlook and Google Calendar synchronization
  • Android, Windows and Apple applications
  • Unlimited appointment types
  • Unlimited appointments
  • Free booking page for businesses
  • Free booking page for users and staff
  • Appt routing based on skills
  • Mobile booking
  • Phone and email support
  • Iframe integration
  • Custom button for your site
  • Pop-up button integration
  • Custom app start times

For Bookafy Pro, the pricing plan starts from $7.00 per month.

In addition to having all the features of the free version, Bookafy Pro users benefit from:

  • Multiple users/staff
  • Group events
  • SMS reminders
  • GoTo Meeting integration
  • Display clients' social links
  • Mail Chimp Sync integration
  • Custom API development
  • Professional services
  • On-site training available
  • And a dedicated support service representative

Bookafy offers three paid plans:

The Solo Entrepreneur price for individuals is $10 per month, which includes a solo calendar and all features.

For a growing business with two to ten employees, the price is $40 per month.

For a workforce of 11 to 39 people, the amount is $60 per month.

For employees aged 40 and over, the Bookafy subscription price starts at $100 per month.

Bookafy Pro comes with a 30-day trial period. During this period, you can benefit from full access to the entire appointment scheduling system. You can also have as many staff members and services as you want for free.

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Alternatives - Bookafy

Bookafy is somewhat a good scheduling software, but not the best. Thus, there are also many alternatives, and Calendly is an example of an alternative to Bookafy. Below is a list of the best competitors.

Final Avis - Bookafy

To summarize this Avis, I can say that Bookafy is a good appointment scheduling software. Every organization or individual should help automate the process of scheduling SMS reminders, calendars, phone calls, service appointments, and meetings. Many Aviss of this tool highlight the fact that it has a fantastic user interface that users can customize to meet the needs of their business.

Service businesses, sales professionals, freelance startups, solo entrepreneurs, and agencies can use this software. You can easily find your way around the Bookafy application. Plus, its use is very affordable. Thus, you can choose the free or paid version of the product.

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FAQ - Bookafy

What are the main features of Bookafy?

The main features of Bookafy are:

  • Customer database
  • Calendar synchronization
  • Automated scheduling
  • Recurring appointments

How much does Bookafy cost?

Bookafy has 3 plans - Free USD 0 (Per Month), Pro USD 7 (User/Month), Enterprise USD 11 (User/Month)

Free trial: Available

Who are the typical users of Bookafy?

Bookafy has the following typical customers: Startups, Enterprises, SMEs, Freelancer

What mobile platforms does Bookafy support?

Bookafy supports the following devices: Android, IOS

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